Jin Enjoji, also known as Jiji, is one of the main characters in the manga series Dandadan. He is Momo’s childhood friend and unknowingly her first crush, but they lost touch after he moved away. Years later, he enrolls in Momo’s high school and reunites with her when he seeks help from her grandmother to rid his house of the Evil Eye that haunts him, which results in him becoming the yokai’s vessel. Once the Evil Eye is kept under control by Okarun, Jiji becomes one of the few allies to assist Momo and Okarun in their quest to find Okarun’s kintama.
Jiji is a tall and muscular young man, even taller than his parents. He has brown eyes and short brown hair with bangs that fall to his eyebrows, leaving only the center of his forehead exposed. He is considered quite handsome by the girls at his school.
When he is first introduced, Jiji wears a tracksuit with an undershirt. At school, he dresses in a collared shirt with a tie, jeans with a belt, and the school’s blazer, accessorized with dark hoop earrings.
Abilities and Powers
Supernatural Abilities:
Spiritual Awareness: Jiji has the ability to see spirits, which he gained after encountering the Evil Eye in his previous home.
Ki: Jiji possesses incredible reserves of ki, making his spiritual power extremely rare and desirable for evil spirits. After training with Seiko, he learned to use his ki to suppress the Evil Eye sealed within him when in contact with cold objects. However, this requires him to exert all of his strength, leading to exhaustion afterward.
Ha Wave: Jiji can emit an invisible burst of ki that knocks back anything in its path. He channels his ki to his hands and thrusts them forward while cupped. While effective for knocking back targets, as Aira points out, the Ha Wave lacks significant attack power to inflict major damage.
Evil Gun: This is a Power of Words-enhanced version of the Ha Wave. By uttering the words “Evil Gun,” Jiji increases the attack power of his ki, resulting in a powerful beam of energy shot from his hands. He first used this technique to free Aira from one of the space globalists restraining her.
Power of Words: After learning from Momo that he can amplify his attacks using words, Jiji incorporated this effect into his spiritual power, allowing him to enhance his attack capabilities.